Vasthu Shastra-On an average favourable approach

Buying a house is always a top priority bucket list for most of us. The experience of buying a dream home to live in is a fascinating episode in one’s life. On the flip side, it is as skeptical as it seems to get the right house for all our requirements.

Most of us lookout for houses which are not just aesthetically appealing but also which satisfy all our basic needs like the location, surroundings, carpet area and built-up area and much more.  With all these needs available in-hand the next thing we think of is the plan of the house. Where should the master bedroom be located; which direction should the kitchen be placed; which is the best place to have a children's bedroom and were to have peaceful open space to relax and so on.

But, how do you decide which room goes where?

Most of us think that Vasthu is a traditional standard system of deciding the spaces. Few of us are so rigid to the concept of Vasthu assuming it to be spiritual and would not want to go beyond the standards as it might turn out to provide negative vibrations leading to an inauspicious footprint. But, our Ancient Architect Vishwakarma has introduced the concept of Vasthu Shastra as a scientifically approving positioning of the spaces which goes with the climatic conditions of those spaces.

So, basically, every house is located in different directions modeled on the road connectivity and the layout of the society. Based on the path of the Sun and the needs of the utility spaces the location of the particular room is decided.

On average, for basic house design, the following can be the focus locations:-

Entrance:- A basic house entrance would be preferred on the East, North or North-East direction as it would absorb the early morning sun rays providing a delighted bright entranceway.

Living Area:- A living room is the central space of the house which decides the movement inside the house. The ideal location of the living area can be towards North, West or North-West which would provide the space to be spaciously alluring.

Kitchen:- A kitchen should be placed on the South-East corner of the house best for the positioning of fire at the time of cooking.

Master Bedroom:- As the master bedroom is a space allocated to the head of the family and it is a cozy space used only by the duo of the house; an ideal location would be towards South or South-West.

Children Bedroom:- Children tend to spend most of their time playing or studying in their room. A reasonable amount of lighting is essential. Hence, A children's bedroom can be located at the East or North-East corner of the house.

Bathroom/Toilet:- A Bathroom/Toilet is a space that holds a large chunk of water flow. It is ideal to have a bathroom/Toilet at the North-West corner of the house.

Hence, this is a basic house design that goes along with most of the designing conditions of any typical house. It is believed that a house designed as per Vasthu serves best in all the extreme conditions as the climatic conditions would respond to the spaces in a positive manner leading to a peaceful and healthy living in the house.