Colours blend for a feel good home

Our day begins at home and ends at home. This is the place where we share our bond with our family, we spend time with the people we love the most and finally a place where we relax. So, it is really important that the house should not just be aesthetically appealing but comfortably arranged.

Every space in a house has its own unique importance. A living room is a place where the family sits together and spend some quality time. Whereas, a bedroom is a place where a couple spends some time exclusively. A kitchen is a place where you cook and a storeroom is a place where you store your belongings. So, each place is already predefined by its usage. Every space responds to the surroundings and every surrounding responds to space. Just the way the spaces are segregated using different partitions, the surroundings can be segregated using colours. Just the way a room can have multiple openings and entrances based on the utility, the surrounding can also have colours variation to segregate the usage.

But, here the question is: How many colours can we use in one space/room?

Basically, space/room should not consist of more than three colour shades. Here, when we say three colour shades, this should include the colour of walls, doors and windows, ceiling and furniture etc. The reason behind that is a space looks haphazard when it is filled with more colours.

For example: Look at this living room model, try to observe just the colours used in this room. You can see that this room basically has only three colour shades, White, Brown and parts of Green. The room looks well organised and spacious. Isn’t it?

Now, alone observe the furniture provided, you will realise that this space is not just a living room but also shares some portion of another workspace in it. Because this particular room was segregated with minimal colours, the room could manage to look tidy and spacious irrespective of the fact that it is serving as a multipurpose utility.

So, when you have small spaces and would like to effectively use those spaces not just as predefined utilities then it is best to opt for simple and minimal colour blends. This will not just serve the purpose of your need, but also looks well organised and spacious.