Penny’s Twinkle

La la la la la!!!! Hanila is back home from school. That evening was something different, the summer has whispered a fond adieu by welcoming the rainy season with a pleasant atmosphere. The weather was amazing, the clouds gathered together so as to say hi to people waiting for their hot pans to cool up and get wet. The cool breeze and the coziness in the sky reminded Hanila of her favorite hot spicy Pakoda’s.

Mum! I want to have Pakoda’s in this beautiful weather. Can you please make them for me? –She asked.

Mum had prepared delicious Pakoda’s and served to Hanila and her grandfather, who was sitting on the verandah reading a book and enjoying the weather. After her satisfying snacking, Hanila ran to her grandfather and asked for her daily share of 10 Rs/-. It kind of became a habit for both of them. For Hanila to ask and for Grandfather to give. This time Grandfather thought of educating her granddaughter about the importance of money.

My Dear, why do you need this money? What do you do with this money every day? – He asked. Hanila was silent for a moment.

Then, grandfather responded – Just remember one thing my dear – Money is so precious, every penny counts and you need to spend it wisely. Money is just a source to reach your needs. But, your needs should not dominate the source, if it does dominate then someday it will leave you and go.

Hanila replied – Grandpa! Every day on my way home from school, I see an old lady lying done under a tree with torn clothes and ill-health and who is in need. Every day I give her a share of 5Rs/- from my 10 Rs/-.

The grandfather was so touched and felt so proud of his granddaughter and appreciated her for her deed. Since then, he continued to give her, her share of 10 Rs/-.

The old lady was so happy to see the small girl helping her every day to satisfy her hunger. One day she felt the need to thank her and stopped her from going and thanked her –Dear! Thank you so much for helping me every day. Your this penny means a lot to me. But, don’t you spend your penny on yourself like your friends?

Hanila replied –I get 10 Rs/- every day from my grandfather and I give you half to satisfy your hunger and I keep the other half to myself.

She was pleased by her gesture and thought – When this young girl could share whatever she had and be thankful for it. Why can’t I do my bit and feel blessed?

She then thought – But whom I can help? I’m the neediest person and I don’t think I can do something to others! She then remembered seeing a lean, needy and hungry dog right next to her lane. She then decided to adopt that dog and started sharing whatever she earned with that dog and lived satisfied ever after.