New Year Resolution in November

End of the month December; It is the time for the Christmas tree to merrily twinkle and welcome Santa to drop by some amazing presents. New Year is ahead and all of us are excited to hello it with our arms wide open.

This is when most of us take New Year resolutions thinking to be successful this year at least to follow it throughout the year.

But, I made a resolution in November itself. But, naming it a New Year Resolution. Sounds funny right?
Then I have to tell you my story!
Here you go!

Once upon a time, it was the end of September month, I was jobless at home, doing nothing but thinking to do something. It was those days; when I had no idea what my future has for me. I quit my job, was down with fever, sitting at home all day thinking and thinking but doing nothing.

Then I decided; let’s do something. Well! Good thought. But, what is that something? No idea! Lots of ideas see-sawed in my mind. I first thought to brush up my vocal skills to become a singer. Straight top ahead! and later wild thought I felt.

Then I moved on to something much more exciting; don’t know whether it is or not, but I just thought it to be. I wanted to write, but then! didn’t know what? Left that thought and moved on.

Then, I wanted to do a course on personality development. This idea was not vague actually. I was always appreciated by people around me for my positive attitude towards anything along with excellent communication skills and public speaking abilities. I even get along with people well and can grab the attention of the spectators with my reasonably unique style of presentation skills.

And! Even this thing didn’t last for long. Let’s not get into details why.
Then again, I wanted to write. Same thing in my head. Do I have anything to start with? I know I wanna write, a lot actually. But have I before? Nope. Will this work? What can I do? Let’s rethink. So, thought of some more ideas and this is what was moving in my head for a couple of weeks; No! actually couple of months you see.
It was the end of November; Finally! one fine day (just to term it) actually it wasn’t. I decided that whatever it is; let’s start writing. But was this a random thought again? I started to think. But, realised; no matter what I think of doing, I always come back to writing. There was this instinct which kept me thinking of it over and over again.

Here I recollect a famous quote by Lionel Messi –
“The best decisions aren’t made with your mind, but with your instinct.”
I took a resolution to start to write in November itself. I was clear and confident and decided I shall welcome the coming year with my enthusiastic start as a writer. I may or may not be successful. But, I’m more than happy to do something I wanted to do and just leave it to the flow.
It was a resolution with a deep thought process for months but a decision right at that moment.

I felt okay thinking days together to come up with something but once I have decided upon something I didn’t want to wait for any occasion to start with. I read it somewhere,
“There is no right or wrong, just write.”
That is when I realised, no matter what! If it is in you, you gotta give a chance. There is no good or bad occasion to start something which your instinct had it for you. It is already in you. Why do we have to hope to start something new on the first day of the New Year blindly believing that it would give the push to start something successful?

Instead! Welcome the New Year with already made ongoing resolutions saying –
“ Hey, New Year! I’m here to introduce you to my resolved resolution which I made last year to welcome you. I want you to appreciate and encourage me to continue to be as positive as I was and am now.”
It’s kind of cool to start something at random and see where it goes.
Your this minute is a chance and your next minute is a surprise. So why not surprise the surprise with your deeds.

All I have to say is — let’s take resolution when we actually want to. Not because we have to.