A day at ‘Dialogue in the dark’

Have you ever imagined going out on an exhibition and experiencing every bit of it with your eyes closed?

Have you ever tasted one of the best cuisines with your eyes shut?
Have you ever thought that you would be guided on this amazing exhibition by a blind person to actually sense it?
and much more…..

My experience with the Dialogue in the Dark exhibition tour was kind of a game-changer to me. It was one of the best experiences I have ever had in my life. This was the day where my perspective towards life and people changed. Most of us have a lot of questions and complain about our own life. Why do we face these? or why don’t we have these? What’s wrong with this? and so on….

But as it is said — we never know how it feels like until we put ourselves in other’s shoes. We can never be thankful for what we have got unless we feel it. We can only understand the beauty of our life only after experiencing the true exposure to nature while your eyes slam down by encouraging the other senses to be as active it used to, to frame the greatest experiences.

After my amazing tour in darkness for about 45 minutes and my extremely exciting talk with the amazing tour mentor who was blind by birth. He was one of the most charming and positive people I have ever met. So warm and most importantly a happy person who does not have any complaints towards his life. Just living it with life. Life with life the best teaching by him.

In my 45 minutes tour in the exhibition, I kept asking him how can he manage to go through different hurdles. Even the smallest things (for us in general) like crossing the road, taking an elevator, choosing the best fruits in the fruit market, getting ready with decent clothes and so on…

He just replied — “Madam, all these things are to be taught to us for the first time and then we shall adopt it like every other person does. We don’t need special attention, just a loving hand to teach us with patience once. We are similar to you all. When it comes to experiencing for the first time, all are first-timers irrespective of abled or disabled.”

It was terrific.
I just realized that we don’t adore the gift given to us by God. We don’t make most of it. Like; when God has bestowed us with all the senses, we ignore the importance of it by not using all the senses effectively.

People who are physically challenged actually make most of their other senses effectively rather complaining about what they don’t have.

This tour with the mentor even taught me that all the negative things happening to us get worse only when we want it to happen.

The best of the worst can be experienced by just challenging its existence.
If we want to see life, what exactly it has for it. I would say experiencing this tour is a well worth a visit and a tremendous experience for life!